How Should A Proper Diet Be After Rhinoplasty
Patients undergoing rhinoplasty should follow the doctor’s advice to return to daily routines quickly and get effective results. Nutrition recommendations are worth trying in the healing process.
One of the most intriguing subjects of rhinoplasty patients is how nutrition should be after rhinoplasty. This article will answer “What are the nutritional recommendations after rhinoplasty?”, “ Is there a personalized diet after nose surgery?”.
Are there any particular dietary recommendations after nose surgery?
There is no special diet list for patients who have had rhinoplasty. However, some nutritional recommendations should be followed in doctor-patient cooperation. If you have chronic diseases such as blood pressure and diabetes, you can manage your post-operative nutrition process with a dietitian. As Mehmet Durmusoglu Clinic, we would like to state that careful compliance with the recommendations we will give will be crucial in the recovery process of nose job.
Make sure to stop smoking!
Patients wanting rhinoplasty surgery should take a break from smoking and nicotine consumption for a while to speed up the healing process. Similarly, alcohol use should be stopped as it may increase bleeding risk or edema. Caffeine can increase blood pressure in some patients, so it is recommended to limit coffee consumption.
Pay attention to consuming liquid for the first three days!
Avoid situations, such as constipation and straining due to dry nutrition. We recommend consuming fibrous foods and liquids the first 24-48 hours after rhinoplasty.
It is vital to consume soft and liquid foods warmly after rhinoplasty. Avoiding hot foods may cause bleeding, whereas frozen foods may cause headaches. Drink small sips of water or herbal teas against the risk of irritation. Excessive fluid consumption should be avoided, and drinking 2-2.5 liters of water will be sufficient.
Stay away from salt and spices!
Pay attention to your diet for the first three days after surgery. Choose soft fruits, fruit purees, yogurt, vegetable purees, and warm soups.
We want you to know that the more you limit your relationship with salt and spice, the less swelling you may have. In that sense, it will be beneficial for you to consume unsalted breakfast products. Likewise, soda or mineral waters are beverages that should be avoided for a while due to their high sodium. If it is to be drunk, mineral water with the lowest sodium level should be preferred.
Switch to an Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Diet for Fast Healing
For a rapid recovery after rhinoplasty, body resistance must be good enough. At Mehmet Durmuşoğlu Clinic, we recommend you switch to an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant diet after rhinoplasty as an alternative option. So, “What is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrition?” “What are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods?”
What Are Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Foods?
Inflammation is a reaction of the body against the infection that occurs in the body. This response that our body develops naturally against bacteria and viruses is also a sign of healing.
The body can develop inflammation at any time for any reason. However, inflammation must be controlled because uncontrolled inflammation can become chronic and cause some diseases.
Studies have shown that certain foods may be beneficial in reducing or controlling inflammation. By switching to an anti-inflammatory diet, you can reduce your risk of inflammation after rhinoplasty and speed up your healing process.
What Are Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Antioxidant-Rich Foods?
We have compiled foods that contain anti-inflammatory components and foods rich in antioxidants below.
- Grape
- Mushroom
- Broccoli
- Tomatoes
- Turmeric
- Green tea
- Avocado
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Dark chocolate and cocoa
- Pepper (bell pepper, hot pepper)
- Vegetables (red, orange, green)
- Oily fish (salmon, sardines, trout, anchovy, tuna)
- Red berries (cherries, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries)
What foods can cause inflammation?
Staying away from foods that cause inflammation for a while is another suggestion to speed up the healing process.
We have listed the foods that can cause inflammation below for you;
- Fried foods
- Fast food
- Products containing trans fat
- Refined sugar
- Processed meat (sausage, salami, sausage)
- Refined carbohydrates
Our food choices themselves will not be effective on a potential inflammation that may occur after rhinoplasty. However, as mentioned above, you can help reduce inflammation and speed up healing by choosing healthier foods.
As Mehmet Durmuşoğlu Clinic, we would like you to know that we will be with you for all your questions and problems before and after rhinoplasty. You can be sure that we will be your biggest supporter in achieving your dream look!